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Image by Nina Strehl


Prayer & Street Evangelism On Broadway

The south part of most cities in the US are impoverished.  This are also certain streets that have become hubs for darkness.  This is true for Broadway in Wichita, KS also.  South Broadway has obvious prostitution, unhidden drug use, and a large population of homeless people.  

However, the presence of God can transform what is lowly into something beautiful.  Our prayer is that "Broad"way would become the "Narrow" way.   

Our work on Broadway is to bring the presence of God through worship in the park, street evangelism, having a meal, and proclaiming the good news of Christ while in lawn chairs sitting with those who are broken.  

Scripture tells us that when we take time to be hospitable with others and love them as Christ does, we also entertain angles unaware.  There are obvious unseen spiritual roots behind much of the obvious activity taking place on this street, so simply bringing the worship outside of the church building and onto the streets begins to combat this spiritual realm and God fights behind the scenes.  

The faithfulness of God has led to a building being given for use as well as a house.  While we are not fully sure what to do with these fully, it does allow for a place to gather when the weather does not allow for outside.



Lincoln Park 
1323 S. Topeka
Wichita, KS
(between the firehouse and Immanuel Baptist)

Saturdays 12:30 - 2:30pm
Sundays (less frequent, further south on Broadway)

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