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On a trip to Africa, we held a conference with local tribes of various Christian groups in the region. On the second day of the conference we had heard that two of the tribes were not greeting one another or talking with each other. This is because of deep seated bitterness and anger from these tribes the Pokot and the Samburu tribe killing each other for decades. As the spirit of the Lord gave us discernment and direction we went after forgiveness and reconciliation right at the top of the service. This turned into 2 1/2 hrs of prayer/reconciliation and worship. I suggested a unifying African song would be “praise him in an African way” I didn’t relealize when you do that song every tribe or community in the room has to do their tribal song and dance. 45-60 min later it was exactly the thing the lord wanted to do to unify the room. It was one of the most powerful moments of my life. We watched tribal men and woman who their tribes have taken the lives of one another’s children come together and ask for forgiveness. One of the leaders pastor Rueben said “I did not want to forgive them but the Spirit of God would not let me not forgive, I was compelled to totally forgive them”. In the words of Bishop Fred from Bungoma “our nation has never scene healing and reconciliation between the pokot tribe and the samburu tribe in 100yrs.”  He shared how the government military has even come in to try and bring peace to these tribes.  The worship conference we helped put on hosted 10 different tribes and several different surrounding countries. We are believing this was a forerunning movement of reconciliation in these tribes across Kenya.


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